Just a picture of the new "Tourist Trophy" steering wheel that I got for xmas. A huge improvement over the old rubbery one.
Working on an old car is a journey. You may never reach the destination (literally or otherwise), but along the way it is important to focus on the task at hand and appreciate the Zen of MGB maintenance.
I have only just started reading your blog so you may cover this in later articles but it sure would be nice to see how the old steering wheel came off and the installation of the new one.
I don't think that I ever explained how to remove the wheel. If you read my last post you'll see that I don't own the car anymore :(
But, the key to getting the wheel off is using a steering wheel puller. You can buy one from Moss motors, or borrow one, or, perhaps frabricate your own. With a puller, it is a 10 minute job! Best of luck
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